Chess Etiquette: There are some official and unofficial rules of etiquette in the game of chess. The general theme of chess etiquette is to be a good sport and to be respectful. Some of the more common official rules of etiquette are as follows:
• Every game must begin and end with the players shaking hands.
• Between the two handshakes, no talking is permitted. "Check" need not be said. Players are responsible for noticing where all of the pieces on the board are located, and what threats are pending.
• Never do anything to distract any other player in the tournament, especially your opponent.
• Always use the "touch move" rule.
• If an illegal move is made, the tournament director should be summoned. In a tournament using a "Sudden Death" time control, the other player receives an extra two minutes when one player makes an illegal move.
• Never gloat over a victory, or become despondent or hostile following a defeat. It is always best to analyze the game with your opponent, after the game ends, and in a different room from where you played. Leave the playing room quietly when you finish so as not to distract the other people who are still playing.
• Never comment on a game that is in progress, whether the game is yours or one that you are just watching.
• The tournament director has the authority to punish breaches of etiquette, and may add or subtract time as a sanction. In extreme cases, players may be forfeited for violating the rules and spectators may be banned from the site.
These rules of etiquette generally apply to tournaments, but it is always a good idea to follow these. Being a good sport in chess and having fun generally makes for a better chess player.
--taken from
Moreover, 1) it would be annoying to make your move from your opponent's side of the board; 2) declaring "check" in an arrogant tone would be disrespectful and annoying, of course, if you were suspect of your own playing ability then of course you would want to be annoying to your opponent; 3) making your opponent wait in a Swiss tournament when everyone else has started when you are in the playing room just because you can; 4) turning or "screwing-in" the piece you've moved into the board repeatedly after every move; 5) coming to the board which your opponent has already set-up, pieces in place, clock set, but because you are playing the black side and you are late you decide you need to use another board, pieces and clock; 6) shouting/talking loudly to your opponent in a harsh tone because something annoys you instead of politely asking your opponent to be aware of the thing he/she is doing; 7) if you are not a professional chess player who earns his/her living from the playing of chess, then it is only a game and you have not mastered some class and humility and be respectful.
• Every game must begin and end with the players shaking hands.
• Between the two handshakes, no talking is permitted. "Check" need not be said. Players are responsible for noticing where all of the pieces on the board are located, and what threats are pending.
• Never do anything to distract any other player in the tournament, especially your opponent.
• Always use the "touch move" rule.
• If an illegal move is made, the tournament director should be summoned. In a tournament using a "Sudden Death" time control, the other player receives an extra two minutes when one player makes an illegal move.
• Never gloat over a victory, or become despondent or hostile following a defeat. It is always best to analyze the game with your opponent, after the game ends, and in a different room from where you played. Leave the playing room quietly when you finish so as not to distract the other people who are still playing.
• Never comment on a game that is in progress, whether the game is yours or one that you are just watching.
• The tournament director has the authority to punish breaches of etiquette, and may add or subtract time as a sanction. In extreme cases, players may be forfeited for violating the rules and spectators may be banned from the site.
These rules of etiquette generally apply to tournaments, but it is always a good idea to follow these. Being a good sport in chess and having fun generally makes for a better chess player.
--taken from
Moreover, 1) it would be annoying to make your move from your opponent's side of the board; 2) declaring "check" in an arrogant tone would be disrespectful and annoying, of course, if you were suspect of your own playing ability then of course you would want to be annoying to your opponent; 3) making your opponent wait in a Swiss tournament when everyone else has started when you are in the playing room just because you can; 4) turning or "screwing-in" the piece you've moved into the board repeatedly after every move; 5) coming to the board which your opponent has already set-up, pieces in place, clock set, but because you are playing the black side and you are late you decide you need to use another board, pieces and clock; 6) shouting/talking loudly to your opponent in a harsh tone because something annoys you instead of politely asking your opponent to be aware of the thing he/she is doing; 7) if you are not a professional chess player who earns his/her living from the playing of chess, then it is only a game and you have not mastered some class and humility and be respectful.