The club held its annual business/club officers election on 5 March 2010. See the club minutes in "About Us" and see our "Links" page under "Miscellaneous" for those businesses in the area that have either done work for us from printing up new scoresheets to allowing us to hang our club posters in our efforts to let people know we're still here....yeah people still play chess face to face and yeah the game is impossible to master and no there isn't any money in it, but yes, there is beauty to be found in those 64 squares as elusive as it remains no matter how many years you attempt to learn the game. We've found in the last few weeks that some people have seen the poster as a few people have dropped by to play. And, of course, most people play chess just for the fun of it, not to master the game or to pursue its beauty. But, I digress. The businesses we list in our "Links" are to let people know where we've been and who is supportive. And soon we'll be posting photos of places where the Club used to meet from the downtown YMCA (the room has changed but it is still there and see "Games with Notes" for some of the games and history of past players), to Fassnight Park, to Meador Park, to other places like the Colonial Hotel which was torn down many years ago.
Our Champions plaque was updated to one overall plaque with 20 blank spots open. Will the Club be around for another 20 years, no one knows, but the first 38 years has seen the Club thrive in the early to mid 1970's to a low ebb in the late '70's to mid '80's to a revival in the late '80's continuing ten years, and now back to few serious games being played and low membership, but as Jake LaMotta, the Raging Bull, said, "Hey, Ray, I'm still standing here. Ray, I'm still standing."